Friday, January 3, 2020

Live As If You Are On Vacation

Vacations are such a wonderful thing, aren't they? 

You're able to get away briefly from the daily stress and predictable routine. You get to experience a change of pace as well as a change of scenery. But the best thing about going on vacation is there is no clutter. Non!

Why don't we look at things in a new way, oui? 
  • What if you could live like you were on vacation every day?
  • What would that look like for you?
  • What do you enjoy most about vacation time?
  • How can you make every day life feel like a vacation?
Wherever your favorite place to vacation is, you can bring that feeling to your own home. For example, if Paris sets your heart aflutter, bring touches of french decor into your home. Listen to french music. Watch french movies. Learn the language and practice it daily. Learn to cook french dishes.

The possibilities are endless. Be creative! 

Many enjoy the simple aspect of vacationing. Your accommodations are sparse and you are limited as to what you can bring with you. Here is where decluttering comes in (remember, I told you yesterday that we'd be getting to this soon)! 

It's hard to let go of all of the things you have worked so hard to accumulate. I get it. But are all of the things making you happy? 

Do you feel like if only you had a bigger house (and mortgage!) things would be so much better? Non! You would soon fill up the empty spaces with new stuff!

Dear Swan, it's time to release that which holds you back from being happy and having peace in your heart. 

Clutter is not your friend. It steals your money and valuable time. You can always earn more money, but you can't get the time back that was spent moving, cleaning, organizing, and maintaining your clutter. 

You deserve more from life than battling clutter!

Tell me now, what are your thoughts on decluttering? 
What area do you struggle most with?
As always, I'm listening... x

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