Saturday, January 11, 2020

Simple Beauty

"A smile is the best makeup a girl can wear." - Unknown

For women, we focus so much on outside beauty. Marketing makes us feel less than so we will buy their products in an effort to become "beautiful".  But we already are in our own unique ways. 

I'm not saying makeup is bad or that we shouldn't use it, just that we need to realize how beautiful we already are. Makeup should enhance the beauty we already have, not be used as a facade - a mask - to hide who we really are.

I'll be honest with you - most days I am completely makeup free. It's just the easiest route. But, this falls under the area of self care and it's an area that I need to work on. 

I have started working on my skin. It's very dry/sensitive and I wasn't very happy with the wrinkles that were becoming more prominent. I started using the lowest dose of Retin-A 2-3 times a week, mixed with my moisturizer. 

In the future, I'd like to see a dermatologist to get an expert opinion on my skin and it's needs. 

I've always kept my makeup pretty basic and simple - but I'd like to improve my makeup game by using the best products for my needs and improving techniques. I watch makeup tutorials on YouTube, but I know it's just going to take practice.

I think I will commit to doing my makeup 3 times a week to start. 
Wash my face every night and continue to use my Retin-A 2 - 3 times a week.
Moisturize like my skin depends on it. (It does!)

What are your thoughts on simple beauty?
Are they any improvements you have recently made or would like to?

Tracy x


  1. I am 52, and a few months ago I started using oil on my face twice a day instead of just moisturizer - the change has been amazing! I use the Vitamin E blend from Trader Joe's but you can really use any natural oil.

  2. I went to a clean beauty facialist last year a few times. I took my basket of products and had her simplify and help me come up with a routine that fits my simple needs. I now have like 4 really good quality clean products and my skin and never looked or felt better. I tend to wear makeup on workdays but only a few simple products.
