Monday, January 13, 2020

The Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

I recently saw a graphic on Pinterest about the benefits of spending time outdoors. It stated that the 6 benefits of exercising in nature but I'll share 4 of them:

  • Fresh air has more oxygen
  • Greenscapes raise serotonin levels
  • Increases feelings of well-being and lowers depression
  • Sun exposure raises vitamin D levels and optimizes hormones
I know that when I spend time outdoors - even if it's just sitting on the porch - I feel more relaxed and happy. In the warmer months, it's easy to do. It's a bit more challenging for me to do in the winter since I hate being cold.

Thankfully we do have nice, warm days during the winter. Here in the south the weather fluctuates so much. It's freezing one day and can be warm the next. On those nice days though I like to be outside - sitting on the porch or working in the yard. There is always yard work that needs to be done. 

For the cold days, I need to invest in outerwear that makes being outside more bearable - a coat, gloves, and warm cap.

I think about the people in Denmark. Though they have long, dreary, cold winters they are the happiest people in the world. How is that possible? 

They embrace the outdoors - even on the coldest of days - and make the most of it. I think that is a great attitude to have. I try really hard to not grumble about the cold, but I'm not always successful! 

As with many things in life, it takes work and practice to improve. Our attitudes are no different.

The Danish people practice hygge.  Hygge is a Danish word for feeling happy, content, and grateful. It's feeling connected and making the best of things. It is the art of getting cozy. 

I think we could all use a little more hygge in our lives, don't you?

I'd love to hear your thoughts! 
Tracy x

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