Saturday, March 28, 2020

One Day At a Time

Even though things are far from normal at this time, don't give up on your dreams and goals. Take it one day at a time and focus on what you need to do today.

None of us know what the future holds. Your progress may have slowed, but don't let it stop completely. Then you'll have to work twice as hard to get back to where you were! No more going backwards! I'm preaching to myself here too!

I want to create more content for you guys - in addition to my personal goals. Let me know in the comments what kind of content you would find beneficial.

It's another beautiful day here. My husband and I enjoy sitting on the porch and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine before it gets too hot. We've taken a little break from yard work the past two days. We have so much lawn debris the city needs to pick up before we can put anymore out.

Since the Corona virus and self-distancing has started I have been keeping busy with yard work and a little housework, but I also want to work on personal development. I want to use this time to come out better!

So I'm thinking about going through all my self-improvement notes and courses to put together a plan to begin implementing those things. Just because you read about something doesn't mean it's helping you. Action is a must.

Hope you are doing well during this time of uncertainty! Don't forget to let me know what kind of content you are interested in. 💓

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