Friday, May 8, 2020


“I thought, I need to reinvent myself. I want every day of life to be wonderful, fascinating, interesting, creative. And what am I gonna do to make that happen?” —Karen Allen

It looks as if the quarantine is almost over. Businesses that were previously closed or restricted from being open before are having those restrictions lifted May 11th. I don't know about you, but for me it was a turbulent time.

I had to sit with myself and my thoughts and uncovered some negative habits and beliefs that I have never had the courage to face. These things brought me endless heartache and pain. I am now consistently working on these things as I turn my life upside down and reinvent myself.

Your thoughts can either empower you or destroy you slowly over time. I am choosing to empower myself and grow into the woman I am meant to be -- because I want to live a life that is wonderful, fascinating, interesting, and creative!

I am becoming aware of my thoughts and learning how to shift the pathways to more positive ones and not assuming I know what others are thinking or feeling. While I cannot change anyone, I can be aware of how my thoughts influence my emotions and ego.

I am learning to become more in tune with my body and intuition by using deep breathing, stretching/yoga, and body scanning (noticing where there is tension in my body). I may add meditation to this as well.

I am doing a lot of journaling. And I do mean A LOT. It's good to get all the thoughts out of your head and onto paper. It is a form of release. Some people scoff at the idea of keeping a journal but the purpose of it is to help you. It's not for others to read. It doesn't have to be pretty or proper. Just get those thoughts and emotions out of you and onto the paper.

So if have found yourself struggling as I had, maybe some of these techniques will work for you?

Warm thoughts, 

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