Monday, April 13, 2020


I have been reading and reflecting a lot during quarantine. I came across a post on Instagram by  Dr. Nicole LePera @the.holistic.psychologist about self-betrayal and how you can heal from it by keeping small daily promises to yourself.

I have always put others needs ahead of my own, then wonder why I feel like crap. I regularly break promises to myself. What messages are these things sending? Not very good ones.

You can heal self betrayal by:
1. Keep one small promise to yourself every day
2. Celebrate your victories
3. If you break your promise keep it the next day
4. Repeat the mantra: "When I make a promise to myself, I keep it."

She gives examples of small promises:
-Wake up without hitting snooze
- Drink 1 glass of water each morning
- Mediate for 3 minutes
- Go for a walk for 10 minutes after dinner
- Go for a walk for 10 minutes after dinner 
- Journal every morning
- Do 5 minutes of stretching
- Dance to music first thing when you wake up
- Do 3 deep belly breaths

Small things that seem insignificant. Do it for 30 days, then add another promise. This is the path to self trust. 

I am choosing as my first promise to journal every day before bed for 30 days. 

What are you going to choose?

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